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WIN: Is your child the 'Energy of Change'?

Solving the #PlasticCrisis and #CarbonCrisis ​is all about the choices we make going forward as a society. Our planet needs cleaning and it's up to all of us to Clean Our Planet.

To help the world to turn off the Plastic Tap and reduce the Carbon Emissions, Clean Planet Energy, in association with the UK's leading child talent agency, are giving FOUR environmentally conscious children the chance to be the voices of an animated short-film series that will be released at the end of 2019. The film will explore the wonders of plastic and modern-technology in today's society, but make clear the serious problems faced if we don't make changes to reduce our waste and emissions! 

It's time for a child you know to help the world learn about how we all need to make changes to our life, so we can Clean Our Planet.

It's time for them to be the 'Energy of Change' for the world around them!

Clean Our Planet: Energy of Change ​will be aimed at children, and take them on a journey of discovery; from the importance of plastic and modern technology, through to the dangers it can be to the environment and the planet we live on.

Do you know a child or want to read more? Visit the competition page now!

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