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A New Decade 🗓️ - Same Planet 🌍

It's 2020.

Once the celebrations and festivities have settled down, we'll realise that despite the change in decade, we are living on the same planet. A planet that is currently being ravaged by endless bush fires in Australia, 'beating' heat records across all hemispheres, and a planet where the humans living on it desperately need to stop burning fossil fuels.

This year Clean Planet Energy expect to make leaps and bounds on building their first ecoPlant, with engineering plans already underway on a selected site. Our ecoPlant will remove up to 15,000 tonnes of waste plastic from the environment every year, and stop 100,000+ barrels of fossil fuels from being used in the world. Once we've built the first, we plan to build more, many more.

Our mission is to make 2020's the decade of environmental change.

And who better to help with that mission than an army of inspirational young people. By the end of the decade the majority of these young people will be adults, entering a world that MUST be better for them...

...So, as part of our future foundation we launched the Clean Our Planet campaign - a series of animated videos to help young people learn what to do; and who better to help than the young people of today. So sit back and enjoy the second instalment of entries as young people tell us how they are helping:

Find out more on our website.

Enjoy that? Why not check out the first instalment released at the end of 2019:

Stay updated. Join the Clean Planet mailing list.

Thanks! We'll email you key updates.

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UK: +44 (0)203 195 3814   

USA: +1 (713) 400 6171

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124 City Road, 



Metro Mindspace, 
1 Butterwick, 


W6 8DL, UK


16945 Northchase Drive,
St. 1910,
Houston, TX, 
77060, USA

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