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Importance of Insects

Importance of Insects

Importance of Insects

June 2023

Insect Week (19-25th June 2023) is a celebration of all things insect, organised by the Royal Entomological Society.


To educate others on the critical role insects play in our environment, Clean Planet Foundation commissioned a series of short documentaries exploring their importance.

Nature is extraordinary,

however man-made habitat destruction, pesticide use and climate change has seen wildlife counts reduce by 82% in the last 30 years.

Insects play a pivotal role in the ecosystem, acting as pollinators for a large percentage of the world's flowering plants, which includes many fruits, vegetables, and nuts that humans depend on for food.

Additionally, insects serve as a crucial part of the food chain, providing a primary food source for many birds, fish, and mammals. They also contribute significantly to soil health and nutrient recycling by decomposing organic matter, thus maintaining the fertility and sustainability of our ecosystems.

To help educate on the Importance of Insects, Clean Planet Foundation commissioned a 5-part short documentary series. All scripts and footage were generated in-house by the Clean Planet Foundation team. 
A macro shot of a butterfly (Clean Planet Foundation) - Importance of Insects

S1. Trailer

The Importance of Insect

It is the smallest creatures that play the most important roles in our ecosystem. Our waters, soil, food supply and even medicine all depend on their omnipresence.

In this 5-part series we'll explore the Importance of Insects.

Length: 2 Minutes

Screenshot 2019-11-22 at 08.06.23 (1).pn



In our first Episode we explore the extraordinary world of the small, and the dangers which await us if we don't change our actions as a society, immediately. 

Length: 3 Minutes

A macro shot of a moth (Clean Planet Foundation) - Importance of Insects



A U.N. report states that 1 million species are under risk of extinction due to man-made actions, this video explores our impact on world and especially how our insects feed themselves.

Length: 3 Minutes

A macro shot of a bee (Clean Planet Foundation) - Importance of Insects



Without bees, this planet would be unrecognisable. In this episode we explore unseen footage of how Bees interact with the nature around us, and how they are pivotal for the 90% of food we eat.

Length: 4 Minutes

A macro shot of a ladybird (Clean Planet Foundation) - Importance of Insects



Human impact on the planet is having a devastating consequence on the relationship between organisms and their surroundings. The circular ecology of insects keep them thriving, and us thriving too!

Length: 5 Minutes

A macro shot of an ant (Clean Planet Foundation) - Importance of Insects



Ants live in a  complex and highly organised society, where colonies work collectively and efficiently to build intricate nests, gather food, and defend their territories.

Length: 6 Minutes

A macro shot of an insect (Clean Planet Foundation) - Importance of Insects

S1. Bonus


Our environment keeps us alive, and it is everything to us. But the actions taken by humans on an 'industrial scale' have began to impact our environment dramatically.

This bonus episode marks the Importance of Nature

Length: 2 Minutes



The Clean Planet Foundation’s mission is to educate and take action for the sustainable use of plastics, and reduction of carbon emissions.

A not-for-profit organisation. 

The 'Importance of Insects' project was set up to support free education about the critical role insects have on our environment. Funded and undertaken 100% by the Clean Planet Foundation, the short documentary series was released online for free, enabling anyone to learn, share and most importantly- take action.


Each of the short documentary videos focus on a specific area or insect, educating the viewer on the importance of insects. 



The topic of the short documentary series focusses on insects and the underlying theme is how excess carbon emissions and habitat destruction is impacting their existence.  



Despite the cost to research, write and film the short documentary series, the videos are released advert free for anyone to view. 



The #LetItThrive slogan that runs throughout the documentary series is a call for action for everyone to do their part in protecting nature.


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